The Somerset Shred Express understands the importance of paper recycling and its positive impact on the environment. That’s why all shredded paper processed at our Somerset facility is baled and then sent to a paper recycling facility.
Somerset Shred Express was funded by the Act 101 Section 902 recycling grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. This grant assisted us in our initial business startup and equipment costs. We are honored to receive this grant and want to thank DEP for their support.
What Are The Most Significant Benefits Of Recycling?
Recycling paper conserves natural resources, saves energy, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and keeps landfill space free for other types of trash that can’t be recycled.
In 2010, 63.5 percent of the paper used in the United States was recovered for recycling. This accounts for an average of 334 pounds for every man, woman and child nationwide, contributing to an 89 percent increase in the recovery rate since 1990, according to the American Forest & Paper Association.
We at Somerset Shred Express are proud to do our part in keeping Pennsylvania and America beautiful.
Think About It
Recycling one ton of paper would:
- Save enough energy to power the average American home for six months
- Save 7,000 gallons of water
- Save 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by one metric ton of carbon equivalent (MTCE)
Source: US EPA

How our recycling process works
The Somerset Shred Express recycles all paper that has been shredded. As a customer, you can feel good that your documents are properly destroyed and then recycled into new products.
The following demonstrates the recycling process. |
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The first step in the recycling process starts when the secured material to be shredded from your business arrives at our facility. The material is sorted, loaded and placed in one of our many shredders. Once shredded, the material is placed on a conveyor to be directed to the baler. |

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Step two involves baling the shredded material. The shredded material is now compacted into a bale. The compressed bale is then wrapped with wire to hold it in place.

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The last step in the process is removing the bale from the compactor and loading it onto a truck. These bales are then shipped to a recycling center and sold. The baled material will be used in many future paper products. |